Eric Schneider  

creative coach, consultant + catalyst for change

Eric Schneider  


A polymath, Eric's career has followed interweaving paths as a creative (he's also an architect and photographer), a business school academic specialising in managing design and creativity, and as a creative management consultant and coach.


Following his first degree  in Economics at the University of Warwick., Eric studied at the Architectural Association, and subsequently, whilst in architectural practice, took his MBA at London Business School.

Teaching and research

Building on his hybrid background, in the late 1980;s and early 1990's Eric worked closely with the Centre for Design Management at London Business School, and taught at the Bartlett, University College London and Kingston University. Eric helping to develop the emerging discipline of managing design.

Consultant and coach

As a creative management consultant, Eric has over 25 years of experience specialising in 4 main areas:

- creative strategy development

- managing design and creative resources

- assisting creative teams, and

- nurturing innovation and creative thinking.

Since the mid 1990's he has advised more than 200 organisations, and many more individuals. Many of his  clients have been in the creative sectors,. But they have also ranged from airlines to commodity produce suppliers , community groups, building developers and internet start-ups.


As a creative Eric's activities have been in two main areas:


Eric qualified as an architect in 1985 and worked for some 10 years  in architectural practice with others. Since then he has continued to undertake selective projects for family and friends, and regularly enters architectural competitions to  maintain his creative edge.


As a photographer Eric specialises in 3 main areas: street, fashion and architectural photography.